TALC Talks
Module 10 - Using Consultation Skills In Complex Conversations
Using Consultation Skills In Complex Conversations
Effective consultation skills for more complex situations, explores the skills needed for some of the more delicate and complex situations that clinicians need to discuss with their patients. This module is about skilled conversations, rather than specific skills. This will always require most of the skills from the TALC Modules 1 to 7, often applied with more awareness or more intensity or combined together in new ways to meet the circumstances. When conversations about resuscitation are needed, clinicians need to build their relationships with the patient or their loved ones, using all the skills of TALC 2. Clinicians need to be prepared for the discussion (TALC 1) and be able to gather information about the patient’s wishes where possible (TALC 3). Explaining the realities in a sensitive way uses the skills of TALC 4 and 5, while recording decisions and making arrangements for their review employs the skills of TALC 6 and 7.
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