TALC Talks
Module 11 - Holding The Calm; Skills For Times When The Conversation Becomes Aggressive Or Abusive
Holding The Calm; Skills For Times When The Conversation Becomes Aggressive Or Abusive
Many Health Care Professionals (HCPs) report that their work increasingly brings them in to encounters with patients (and on occasion colleagues) who are angry, aggressive and abusive. Sometimes aggression and anger are combined with disturbing personal abuse that is racist or misogynist in its form. Other protected characteristics (including sexuality, disability, ethnicity or age for example) may also be the focus of abuse. HCP do not anticipate being insulted, slighted or abused at work and clearly organisations and teams need to take appropriate actions. However, in many situations, a HCP getting on with their job, may find themselves the recipient of aggression or abuse in the ‘heat of the moment’ and they need to have the skills to respond effectively and safely. TALC Module 11 explores the background to this issue and describes the consultation skills needed to handle difficult situations.
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